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New Minster
Liber Vitae
: Dedication page showing King Cnut and Queen Emma
This is the dedication page from the New Minster
Liber Vitae
showing King Cnut and Queen Emma presenting a golden altar cross to the New Minster, Winchester. Stylistically, this manuscript page was designed in the "Utrecht" style, which is characterized by a lightness of touch and a strong capacity for depicting emotional interactions between figures. This page is significant because it illustrates the alliance between royal and ecclesiastical interests; the king and queen present a golden cross to the New Minster while Christ and the patron saints of the Minster watch over them from the heavenly realm. Cnut carries a sword and is crowned by an angel who point up at Christ. At the same time, another angel who also gestures towards heaven places a headdress on the queen, Emma. Beneath Cnut and Emma an audience of monks gaze in reverence at the coronation. This image is unusual because of the presence of the queen; at the time of this manuscript’s creation, queens were not regularly depicted in Anglo-Saxon art. However, Emma was the sister of the Duke of Normandy and was the wife of the Anglo-Saxon king Æthelred II before she married the Danish-Viking king, Cnut. Her ties to the English throne legitimized his claim to it, and her important status as a patron is reflected in this image. Her role as a queen is divinely ordered by the angel placing the veil on her head; this is a parallel to the angel setting a crown on Cnut’s head. For both the king and the queen, this is a scene of royal power that is reinforced by their patronage of the church.
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(See Also)
Emma, Wife of Aethelred II, King of England, and Cnut, King of Denmark
Patronage, Ecclesiastical
Geographic Area:
British Isles
Related Work:
New Minster Liber Vitae: See selected images on the British Library website:
Current Location:
British Library, Stowe MS 944, fol. 6r
Original Location:
New Minster and Hyde Abbey, Winchester, England
Artistic Type (Category):
Digital images; Manuscript illuminations
Artistic Type (Material/Technique):
Vellum (parchment); Paint
25.5 cm/15 cm/
Related Resources:
Leslie Webster, Anglo-Saxon Art: A New History, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, 2012, pg. 181-182