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Record Number:
Polet , Caroline, Rosine Orban and Alain Herbosch
Différences sexuelles des teneurs en zinc et en strontium dans les ossements humains de quelques échantillons médiévaux de Belgique (résultats préliminaires)
La Femme pendant le Moyen Âge et l'époque moderne. Actes des Sixiémes Journées Anthropologiques de Valbonne 9-10-11 juin 1992. Edited by Luc BuchetDossier de Documentation Archéologique, 17. CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Centre de Recherches Archéologiques) Éditions, 1994. Pages 173 - 187.
Article Type:
(See Also)
Human Remains
Sex Differences
Strontium (Trace Element in Human Remains)
Zinc (Trace Element in Human Remains)
Award Note:
Geographic Area:
Low Countries
6- 7, 12- 13- 14- 15
Primary Evidence:
One Figure. Figure One Map showing the location of the three sites.
Eight graphs and tables. Figure One Concentrations of strontium and zinc in the male and female groups in the three sites, Ciply, Coxyde, and Torgny. Figure Two Graph of the relations between holders of zinc and holders of strontium from the cemetery at Torgny. Figure Three Graph of the relations between holders of zinc and holders of strontium from the cemetery at Ciply. Figure Four Graph of the relations between holders of zinc and holders of strontium from the cemetery at Coxyde. Figure Five Graph of the concentrations of strontium, average values for women as a function of those for men in the various subject populations plus some drawn from other archaeologial studies. Figure Six Graph of the concentrations of zinc, average values for women as a function of those for men in the various subject populations plus some drawn from other archaeological studies. Figure Seven Two graphs, the first showing the holders of strontium as a function of their bone solidity and the second showing the holders of zinc as a function of their bone solidity. Figure Eight Graph of the holders of zinc related to the holders of strontium from the cemeteries at the three sites.
Levels of trace elements in bone may provide information on ancient populations' diet. Factors affecting the variability of these concentrations are however still unclear. Using already published data and our first results, we have studied sexual differences based on the concentrations of strontium and zinc. The skeletal material chosen for this project was obtained from three Belgian medieval populations: Coxyde (12th-15th c. AD), Torgny (6th-7th c. AD) and Ciply (6th-7th c. AD). The males and females from Torgny exhibit significant differences in the distributions of Sr and Zn levels. These differences are possibly related to diets, effects of diagenesis, presence of pregnant or lactating females, and metabolism of bone tissue.
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Author's Affiliation:
Université libre de Bruxelles (Herbosch)
Conference Info:
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Year of Publication: