Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

11 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 14695
Author(s): Jenkins, Charles M.
Title : Mysticism and Prophecy: The Labors of Margery Kempe [The author argues that Margery Kempe should be considered a prophet rather than a mystic. She was concerned with bringing the divine word to the world. She did this in part through bodily means, as when she confirmed the validity and importance of her message with weeping and groaning. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Studia Mystica , 23., ( 2002):  Pages 72 - 101.
Year of Publication: 2002.

2. Record Number: 4279
Author(s): Callahan, Leslie Abend.
Title : The Widow's Tears: The Pedagogy of Grief in Medieval France and the Image of the Grieving Widow
Source: Constructions of Widowhood and Virginity in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Cindy L. Carlson and Angela Jane Weisl .   St. Martin's Press, 1999. Studia Mystica , 23., ( 2002):  Pages 245 - 263.
Year of Publication: 1999.

3. Record Number: 3540
Author(s): Hopenwasser, Nanda.
Title : A Performance Artist and Her Performance Text: Margery Kempe on Tour
Source: Performance and Transformation: New Approaches to Late Medieval Spirituality.   Edited by Mary A. Suydam and Joanna E. Ziegler .   St. Martin's Press, 1999. Studia Mystica , 23., ( 2002):  Pages 97 - 131.
Year of Publication: 1999.

4. Record Number: 2978
Author(s): Jones, Nancy A.
Title : By Woman's Tears Redeemed: Female Lament in St. Augustine's "Confessions" and the Correspondence of Abelard and Heloise
Source: Sex and Gender in Medieval and Renaissance Texts: The Latin Tradition.   Edited by Barbara K. Gold, Paul Allen Miller, and Charles Platter .   State University of New York Press, 1997. Studia Mystica , 23., ( 2002):  Pages 15 - 39.
Year of Publication: 1997.

5. Record Number: 2749
Title : Did Marjory Kempe Suffer From Tourette's Syndrome? [the appendices list the vocal and motor behaviors in "The Book of Margery Kempe" and behaviors by other holy people known to Margery including Marie d'Oignies and St. Bridget of Sweden].
Source: Mediaeval Studies , 59., ( 1997):  Pages 261 - 300.
Year of Publication: 1997.

6. Record Number: 1433
Author(s): Taylor, Helen Clare.
Title : Mulier Quid Ploras? Holy Tears in "The Book of Margery Kempe" [influence of devotional texts, the Psalter, and liturgy on Margery's "rhetoric" of weeping].
Source: Mediaevalia , 19., ( 1996):  Pages 363 - 384. (1996 (for 1993)) Published by the Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton
Year of Publication: 1996.

7. Record Number: 1210
Author(s): Parry, Joseph D.
Title : Margery Kempe's Inarticulate Narration [Margery's weeping and mourning are inadequate to express God's nature as well as her own otherness before God].
Source: Magistra , 1., 2 (Winter 1995):  Pages 281 - 298.
Year of Publication: 1995.

8. Record Number: 8475
Author(s): de Courcelles, Dominique.
Title : Le Dialogue de Catherine de Sienne ou l'accès du sujet intelligent créé à la perfection ultime du langage Thomiste au langage de l'âme
Source: Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Age , 62., ( 1995):  Pages 71 - 135.
Year of Publication: 1995.

9. Record Number: 264
Title : Mary Magdalen and the Mendicants: The Preaching of Penance in the Late Middle Ages
Source: Journal of Medieval History , 21., 1 (March 1995):  Pages 1 - 25.
Year of Publication: 1995.

10. Record Number: 10242
Author(s): Mahoney, Dhira B.
Title : Margery Kempe’s Tears and the Power Over Language [Margery’s tears play a significant role in her attempt to define herself and her role in society. She communicates her unique status to others through her tears. Weeping marks her as a woman who is both of the world while remaining apart from it, and she demonstrates her power outside of language by means of her tears and prayers. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Margery Kempe: A Book of Essays.   Edited by Sandra J. McEntire .   Garland Publishing, 1992. Journal of Medieval History , 21., 1 (March 1995):  Pages 37 - 50.
Year of Publication: 1992.

11. Record Number: 38495
Title : Mary Magdalene, from the Braque Triptych
Source: Journal of Medieval History , 21., 1 (March 1995):
Year of Publication: