Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

53 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 44699
Title : Making and Breaking Marriages: (a) Betrothals from the Sagas, (i) The Betrothal of Olaf Hoskuldsson, (ii) How Unn Mordsdottir Found Herself Betrothed
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald .   University of Toronto Press, 2020.  Pages 111 - 114.
Year of Publication: 2020.

2. Record Number: 44700
Title : Making and Breaking Marriages: (b) Divorces from the Sagas, (i) How Gudrun Divorced Thorvald, (ii) Vigdis Divorces Thord Goddi
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald .   University of Toronto Press, 2020.  Pages 115 - 120.
Year of Publication: 2020.

3. Record Number: 44701
Title : Women's Work: (a) Housework in Laxdale Saga
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald .   University of Toronto Press, 2020.  Pages 120 - 121.
Year of Publication: 2020.

4. Record Number: 44704
Author(s): Sturluson, Snorri
Title : Same-Sex Encounters: (a) Penitential of Saint Thorlak, (b) Civil Penalties in Early Norwegian Law, (c) Njal Gives a Garment to Flosi, (d) King Harold Gormsson and the Land-Spirits, (e) Gisli Sursson Fights Skeggi the Berserk
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald .   University of Toronto Press, 2020.  Pages 132 - 137.
Year of Publication: 2020.

5. Record Number: 44720
Author(s): Sturluson, Snorri
Title : Gender Instability: Trans-Gender and Gender-Shifting: (a) From Gulathing Law: On Seriously Insulting Speech, (c) From Loki’s Flyting (Lokasenna), (d) Loki and Svadilfari: Loki’s Adventure as a Mare
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald .   University of Toronto Press, 2020.  Pages 138 - 143.
Year of Publication: 2020.

6. Record Number: 44746
Title : Games and Entertainment: (b) Skallagrim’s Rough Play
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald .   University of Toronto Press, 2020.  Pages 344 - 345.
Year of Publication: 2020.

7. Record Number: 44749
Title : Manly Men: (a) Gunnar Weeps, (b) The Death of Gunnar, (c) Egil and Armod
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald .   University of Toronto Press , 2020.  Pages 86 - 91.
Year of Publication: 2020.

8. Record Number: 44750
Title : Unmanly Men: (a) Deadly Insults from Grágás, (b) A Flyting between Sinfjotli and Gudmund, (c) Egil in Old Age
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald .   University of Toronto Press, 2020.  Pages 91 - 96.
Year of Publication: 2020.

9. Record Number: 44751
Title : Making and Breaking Marriages: (a) Betrothals from the Sagas, (i) The Betrothal of Olaf Hoskuldsson, (ii) How Unn Mordsdottir Found Herself Betrothed
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald .   University of Toronto Press, 2020.  Pages 111 - 114.
Year of Publication: 2020.

10. Record Number: 44752
Title : Cross-Dressing: (a) Thor as a Bride, (b) How Aud Dealt with Her Humiliating Divorce
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald .   University of Toronto Press, 2020.  Pages 143 - 153.
Year of Publication: 2020.

11. Record Number: 44753
Title : Warrior Women: (b) The Waking of Angantýr (The Lay of Hervor, Hervararkviða)
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald .   University of Toronto Press, 2020.  Pages 159 - 165.
Year of Publication: 2020.

12. Record Number: 44755
Title : Thorfin Karlsefni in Vinland
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald .   University of Toronto Press, 2020.  Pages 328 - 330.
Year of Publication: 2020.

13. Record Number: 44388
Author(s): Werronen, Sheryl Mcdonald,
Title : Nítíða saga Text and Translation
Source: Popular Romance in Iceland: The Women, Worldviews, and Manuscript Witnesses of Nítíða saga. Sheryl McDonald Werronen .   Amsterdam University Press, 2016.  Pages 221 - 248. Available with a subscription from JSTOR Books, Cambridge University Press and Walter de Gruyter: https://apps.crossref.org/coaccess/coaccess.html?doi=10.2307%2Fj.ctv513cr4.13
Year of Publication: 2016.

14. Record Number: 29709
Title : Hoskuld Buys a Slave
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald. Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures, 14.   University of Toronto Press, 2010.  Pages 38 - 40. Published also in the third edition of The Viking Age: A Reader (University of Toronto Press, 2020), pp. 38-39.
Year of Publication: 2010.

15. Record Number: 29710
Title : A Prophetess in Greenland (Retitled The Greenland Prophetess in 2020)
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald. Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures, 14.   University of Toronto Press, 2010.  Pages 90 - 92. Published also in the third edition of The Viking Age: A Reader (University of Toronto Press, 2020), pp. 121-123.
Year of Publication: 2010.

16. Record Number: 29711
Title : Unn the Deep-Minded Takes Control of Her Life
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald. Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures, 14.   University of Toronto Press, 2010.  Pages 126 - 129. Published also in the third edition of The Viking Age: A Reader (University of Toronto Press, 2020), pp. 96-100.
Year of Publication: 2010.

17. Record Number: 29712
Title : Queen Gunnhild has her way with Hrut
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald. Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures, 14.   University of Toronto Press, 2010.  Pages 130 - 133. Published also in the third edition of The Viking Age: A Reader (University of Toronto Press, 2020), pp. 125-129.
Year of Publication: 2010.

18. Record Number: 29713
Title : The Prowess of Freydis, Daughter of Eirik the Red
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald. Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures, 14.   University of Toronto Press, 2010.  Pages 133 - 135. Published also in the third edition of The Viking Age: A Reader (University of Toronto Press, 2020), pp. 102-104.
Year of Publication: 2010.

19. Record Number: 29715
Title : Gudrun drives her sons to take revenge
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald. Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures, 14.   University of Toronto Press, 2010.  Pages 137 - 142. Published also in the third edition of The Viking Age: A Reader (University of Toronto Press, 2020), pp. 104-109.
Year of Publication: 2010.

20. Record Number: 29731
Title : Gudrun Osvifrdaughter's Incitement of Her Sons
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald. Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures, 14.   University of Toronto Press, 2010.  Pages 142 - 144. Published also in the third edition of The Viking Age: A Reader (University of Toronto Press, 2020), pp. 109-111.
Year of Publication: 2010.

21. Record Number: 29732
Title : The Goading of Hildigunn
Source: The Viking Age: A Reader.   Edited by Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald. Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures, 14.   University of Toronto Press, 2010.  Pages 144 - 145. Published also in the third edition of The Viking Age: A Reader (University of Toronto Press, 2020), pp. 100-102.
Year of Publication: 2010.

22. Record Number: 24113
Author(s): Magnúsdóttir, Auður G
Title : Women and Sexual Politics [The author briefly examines the roles of women in Viking society in terms of political influence. Frequently women attained some power as wives or concubines. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: The Viking World.   Edited by Stefan Brink in collaboration with Neil Price .   Routledge, 2008.  Pages 40 - 48.
Year of Publication: 2008.

23. Record Number: 10703
Author(s): Phelpstead, Carl,
Title : The Sexual Ideology of Hrólfs saga kraka [The author argues that "Hrólfs saga" embodies patriachal values influenced by Christian concerns. This homosocial world of men generally views women in a misogynist light. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Scandinavian Studies , 75., 1 (Spring 2003):  Pages 1 - 24.
Year of Publication: 2003.

24. Record Number: 10704
Author(s): Karras, Ruth Mazo.
Title : Marriage and the Creation of Kin in the Sagas [The author concludes in part: "The fact that kinship networks were up for negotiation, that each conjugal unit in a sense selected for itself when which kinship bonds were the most important, meant that power within marriage was up for negotiation too. The default obligation for men was their blood relatives and for women seems rather to have been to their husbands; but the system was flexible enough that each couple worked out for itself which relationships were most important." (page 488).]
Source: Scandinavian Studies , 75., 1 (Spring 2003):  Pages 473 - 490.
Year of Publication: 2003.

25. Record Number: 6095
Author(s): Straubhaar, Sandra Ballif
Title : Nasty, Brutish, and Large: Cultural Difference and Otherness in the Figuration of the Trollwomen of the "Fornaldar sögur" [The author analyzes the encounters that heroes have with trollwomen in various legendary sagas (written down in the 13th and 14th centuries but circulating orally well before those centuries); the author argues that the mythic events can also be interpreted as sociological realities in which the trolls are Sámi women, threatening in their odd customs and strange appearance].
Source: Scandinavian Studies , 73., 2 (Summer 2001):  Pages 105 - 123.
Year of Publication: 2001.

26. Record Number: 3653
Author(s): Jochens, Jenny.
Title : Triangularity in the Pagan North: The Case Of Bjorn Arngeirsson and Thórthr Kolbeinsson [The author argues that Bjorn and Thórthr care less for the woman Oddny than for their rivalry beginning with Thórthr's homoerotic attraction to the young Bjorn].
Source: Conflicted Identities and Multiple Masculinities: Men in the Medieval West.   Edited by Jacqueline Murray .   Garland Medieval Casebooks, volume 25. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, volume 2078. Garland Publishing, 1999. Scandinavian Studies , 73., 2 (Summer 2001):  Pages 111 - 134.
Year of Publication: 1999.

27. Record Number: 4314
Author(s): Overing, Gillian R.
Title : A Body in Question: Aging, Community and Gender in Medieval Iceland [The author argues that old women were stereotyped as nasty gossips or agents of evil unless there were mitigating factors of wealth, status, or class].
Source: Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies , 29., 2 (Spring 1999):  Pages 211 - 225.
Year of Publication: 1999.

28. Record Number: 3520
Author(s): Auerbach, Loren.
Title : Female Experience and Authorial Intention in "Laxdoela Saga" [The author argues that Gudrún's wasted potential is the overarching theme of the saga and that more generally the question is how intelligent, capable women can function in society on an equal level with men].
Source: Saga Book , 1., ( 1998):  Pages 30 - 52.
Year of Publication: 1998.

29. Record Number: 2545
Title : Make Me a Match: Motifs of Betrothal in the Sagas of the Icelanders [discusses the desirable characteristics for husbands and wives and the particular cases of only daughters and widows].
Source: Scandinavian Studies , 69., 3 (Summer 1997):  Pages 296 - 319.
Year of Publication: 1997.

30. Record Number: 5388
Author(s): Bagge, Sverre.
Title : Women in Old Norse Society and Their Images in Literature [The author analyzes at length two books by Jenny Jochens, "Women in Old Norse Society" and "Old Norse Images of Women"].
Source: Collegium Medievale , 10., 40180 ( 1997):  Pages 175 - 183.
Year of Publication: 1997.

31. Record Number: 3589
Author(s): Grundy, Stephan.
Title : The Viking's Mother: Relations Between Mothers and Their Grown Sons in Icelandic Sagas
Source: Medieval Mothering.   Edited by John Carmi Parsons and Bonnie Wheeler .   Garland Publishing, 1996. Reading Medieval Studies , 22., ( 1996):  Pages 223 - 237.
Year of Publication: 1996.

32. Record Number: 2994
Author(s): Itnyre, Cathy Jorgensen.
Title : The Emotional Universe of Medieval Icelandic Fathers and Sons [discusses the qualities that fathers want to find in their sons including courage, obedience, concern for family honor, and a physical ressemblance to the father; also breifly discusses the qualities that dissapoint including cowardice, disobedience, and associating with bad company].
Source: Medieval Family Roles: A Book of Essays.   Edited by Cathy Jorgensen Itnyre .   Garland Publishing, 1996. Collegium Medievale , 10., 40180 ( 1997):  Pages 173 - 196.
Year of Publication: 1996.

33. Record Number: 1430
Author(s): Jochens, Jenny.
Title : Old Norse Sexuality: Men, Women, and Beasts
Source: Handbook of Medieval Sexuality.   Edited by Vern L. Bullough and James A. Brundage .   Garland Reference Library of the Humanities vol. 1696. Garland Publishing, 1996. Collegium Medievale , 10., 40180 ( 1997):  Pages 369 - 400.
Year of Publication: 1996.

34. Record Number: 3588
Author(s): Jochens, Jenny.
Title : Old Norse Motherhood
Source: Medieval Mothering.   Edited by John Carmi Parsons and Bonnie Wheeler .   Garland Publishing, 1996. Collegium Medievale , 10., 40180 ( 1997):  Pages 201 - 222.
Year of Publication: 1996.

35. Record Number: 877
Author(s): Wolf, Kirsten.
Title : Amazons in Vínland [the character and behavior of Freydís Eiríksdóttir in two sagas].
Source: JEGP: Journal of English and Germanic Philology , 95., 4 (Oct. 1996):  Pages 469 - 485.
Year of Publication: 1996.

36. Record Number: 2432
Author(s): Sayers, William.
Title : Principled Women, Pressured Men: Nostalgia in "Fljótsdœla saga" [the last of the family sagas recalls an age in which heroic women and active men struggled for honor and material advantage].
Source: Reading Medieval Studies , 22., ( 1996):  Pages 21 - 62.
Year of Publication: 1996.

37. Record Number: 5
Author(s): Clover, Carol J.
Title : Maiden Warriors and Other Sons
Source: Matrons and Marginal Women in Medieval Society.   Edited by Robert R. Edwards and Vickie Ziegler .   Boydell Press, 1995. Medium Aevum , 64., 2 ( 1995):  Pages 75 - 87. Originally published in Journal of English and Germanic Philology (1986): 35-49
Year of Publication: 1995.

38. Record Number: 1574
Author(s): Finlay, Alison.
Title : Skalds, Troubadours, and Sagas [study of sagas and skaldic poetry with regard to the connections and similarities with troubadour poetry, "vidas," and "razos"].
Source: Saga Book , 24., 40212 ( 1995):  Pages 105 - 153.
Year of Publication: 1995.

39. Record Number: 1982
Author(s): Heinrichs, Anne.
Title : Die jüngere und die ältere Thóra: Form und Bedeutung einer Episode in Haukdœla Tháttr
Source: Alvíssmál , 5., ( 1995):  Pages 3 - 28.
Year of Publication: 1995.

40. Record Number: 500
Title : Woman- Kennings in the "Gísla saga Súrssonar": A Study [Second International Medieval Conference, University of Leeds, July 10-13, 1995. Session 102].
Source: Old English Newsletter , 28., 3 (Spring 1995):
Year of Publication: 1995.

41. Record Number: 114
Author(s): Larrington, Carolyne.
Title : Leizla Rannveigar: Gender and Politics in the Otherworld Vision [sinful woman's vision of hell and heaven].
Source: Medium Aevum , 64., 2 ( 1995):  Pages 232 - 249.
Year of Publication: 1995.

42. Record Number: 11166
Author(s): Cormack, Margaret
Title : Visions, Demons, and Gender in the Sagas of Icelandic Saints
Source: Collegium Medievale , 7., ( 1994):  Pages 185 - 209.
Year of Publication: 1994.

43. Record Number: 5958
Author(s): McMahon, James V.
Title : Valkyries, Midwives, Weavers, and Shape-Changers: Atli's Mother the Snake
Source: Scandinavian Studies , 66., 4 (Fall 1994):  Pages 475 - 487.
Year of Publication: 1994.

44. Record Number: 2808
Author(s): Mundal, Else.
Title : The Position of Women in Old Norse Society and the Basis for Their Power [author emphasizes the goading women in sagas who spur on the hero; the author suggests that women's power lay in being judges of men's honor].
Source: Nora: Nordic Journal of Women's Studies , 2., 1 ( 1994):  Pages 3 - 11.
Year of Publication: 1994.

45. Record Number: 9460
Author(s): Kjaer, Jonna.
Title : Franco-Scandinavian Literary Transmission in the Middle Ages: Two Old Norse Translations of Chretien de Troyes -- "Ivens Saga" and "Erex Saga" [In the thirteenth century, some of Chretien’s Old French romances were translated into Old Norse sagas. The author compares two Norse translations of Chretien’s “Yvain” and “Erec et Enide” and finds that the saga-authors censor Chretien’s sexual references and emphasize the role of the Church over that of Arthur. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Arthurian Yearbook , 2., ( 1992):  Pages 113 - 134.
Year of Publication: 1992.

46. Record Number: 11820
Author(s): Pulsiano, Phillip and Kirsten Wolf
Title : The "Hwelp" in "Wulf and Eadwacer" [The symbolic meaning of the "hwelp" (whelp, young dog or wolf) in is much debated in this Old English poem. Some critics interpret the "hwelp" as representing a child who is born as a result of an illicit love affair, but the authors argue that many references to wolves in Old Norse literature and law suggest that the "hwelp" in this poem is the child of an outlaw father. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: English Language Notes , 28., 3 (March 1991):  Pages 1 - 9.
Year of Publication: 1991.

47. Record Number: 11044
Author(s): Finlay, Alison.
Title : Níð, Adultery and Feud in "Bjarnar Saga Hítdoelakappa" [The author examines the treatment of adultery and feud in Bjarnar Saga, paying particular attention to „nio,‰ a multivalent term which refers to verbal, sexualized violence, and which takes on symbolic power in the Saga. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Saga Book , 23., 3 ( 1991):  Pages 158 - 178.
Year of Publication: 1991.

48. Record Number: 11805
Title : Cold Are the Counsels of Women: The Revengeful Woman in Icelandic Family Sagas [The author argues that the large number of vengeful female characters in Icelandic sagas indicates the existence of a stereotype, one which should receive more scholarly attention. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Women as Protagonists and Poets in the German Middle Ages: An Anthology of Feminist Approaches to Middle High German Literature.   Edited by Albrecht Classen .   Kümmerle Verlag, 1991. English Language Notes , 28., 3 (March 1991):  Pages 1 - 27.
Year of Publication: 1991.

49. Record Number: 10689
Author(s): Jochens, Jenny.
Title : The Illicit Love Visit: An Archaeology of Old Norse Sexuality [The author studies the topos of the illicit love visit in Icelandic family sagas in order to elucidate the impact of Christianity upon Scandinavian notions of female sexuality. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Journal of the History of Sexuality , 1., 3 ( 1991):  Pages 357 - 392.
Year of Publication: 1991.

50. Record Number: 11045
Author(s): Jochens, Jenny.
Title : Old Norse Magic and Gender: Þáttr Þorvalds ens Víðforla [The author studies fourteen scenes of the supernatural in Norse family sagas, and argues that, in thirteenth-century Scandinavia, men joined women in the exercise of pagan magic. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Scandinavian Studies , 63., 3 (Summer 1991):  Pages 305 - 317.
Year of Publication: 1991.

51. Record Number: 11772
Author(s): Jochens, Jenny.
Title : Before the Male Gaze: The Absence of the Female Body in Old Norse [The essay studies Old Norse descriptions of corporeal beauty, focusing in particular on the role of clothing and hair. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Sex in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays.   Edited by Joyce E. Salisbury .   Garland Publishing, 1991. Scandinavian Studies , 63., 3 (Summer 1991):  Pages 3 - 29.
Year of Publication: 1991.

52. Record Number: 15602
Author(s): Jochens, Jenny.
Title : Old Norse Sources on Women [The author argues that the practices of learned physicians should not be held in opposition to those of midwives. Some folklore was adapted into the humoral system of medicine. In other cases doctors accepted superstitious cures particularly in childbirth and fertility where problems needed decisive remedies. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Women and the Sources of Medieval History.   Edited by Joel T. Rosenthal .   University of Georgia Press, 1990. Saga Book , 23., 3 ( 1991):  Pages 189 - 209.
Year of Publication: 1990.

53. Record Number: 11019
Author(s): Karras, Ruth Mazo.
Title : Concubinage and Slavery in the Viking Age [The author argues that although not all concubines were slaves, concubinage was associated with slavery and low status. Children of both slave women and concubines needed their fathers' recognition in order to inherit. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Scandinavian Studies , 62., 2 (Spring 1990):  Pages 141 - 162.
Year of Publication: 1990.