Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

47 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 44810
Author(s): Hernando del Pulgar, , and Theophanes the Confessor,
Title : Women in Power [a. Empress Irene, b. and c. Sitt al-Mulk, d and e. Isabel I]
Source: Texts from the Middle: Documents from the Mediterranean World, 650–1650.   Edited by Thomas E. Burman, Brian A. Catlos and Mark D. Meyerson .   University of California Press, 2022.  Pages 210 - 213.
Year of Publication: 2022.

2. Record Number: 44980
Author(s): Theis, Christoffer,
Title : Herrschaftsrecht und Herrschaftspraxis der Königin Sibylla von Jerusalem im Widerstreit: Zeitgenössische und moderne Perspektiven
Source: Fruhmittelalterliche Studien , 55., ( 2021):  Pages 169 - 186. Available with a subscription from De Gruyter: http://doi.org/10.1515/fmst-2021-0007
Year of Publication: 2021.

3. Record Number: 45789
Author(s): Lindkvist, Thomas
Contributor(s): Grosjean, Alexia, translator
Title : Margareta, Queen (Margaret I of Denmark)
Source: Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexicon (Biographical Dictionary of Swedish Women) .  2018. Fruhmittelalterliche Studien , 55., ( 2021): Available open access from the Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexicon (Biographical Dictionary of Swedish Women): https://skbl.se/en/article/MargaretaValdemarsdotter
Year of Publication: 2018.

4. Record Number: 27613
Author(s): Gaudette, Helen A.,
Title : The Spending Power of a Crusader Queen: Melisende of Jerusalem [The author analyzes three projects which Melisende supported in part to increase public support for her rule: Bethgibelin Castle, the women's monastery of Bethany, and the covered market street in Jerusalem called "Malquisinat" (literally the Street of Bad Cooking). Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Women and Wealth in Late Medieval Europe.   Edited by Theresa Earenfight The New Middle Ages. .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. Fruhmittelalterliche Studien , 55., ( 2021):  Pages 135 - 148.
Year of Publication: 2010.

5. Record Number: 28449
Author(s): Nico Ottaviani, Maria Grazia
Title : Important Ladies and Important Families: Lucrezia Borgia and Caterina Cibo Varano
Source: Medieval Italy, Medieval and Early Modern Women: Essays in Honour of Christine Meek.   Edited by Conor Kostick .   Four Courts Press, 2010. Fruhmittelalterliche Studien , 55., ( 2021):  Pages 276 - 282.
Year of Publication: 2010.

6. Record Number: 28341
Contributor(s): Richards, D.S., translator
Title : A Strange Turn of Events without Parallel [The passage concerns the royal succession in Georgia. The only heir left was female. She took the throne, but finding a suitable husband was difficult. She married the son of a neighboring Muslim ruler (once he had converted to Christianity). Subsequently the queen sent her husband away, so that she could have relationships with other men. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: The Chronicle of Ibn al-Athir for the Crusading Period from al-Kamil fi’l-ta’rikh. Part 3 The Years 589-629/1193-1231: The Ayyubids after Saladin and the Mongol Menace. .   Ashgate, 2008. Fruhmittelalterliche Studien , 55., ( 2021):  Pages 244 - 245.
Year of Publication: 2008.

7. Record Number: 20731
Author(s): Shadis, Miriam
Title : Women, Gender, and Rulership in Romance Europe: The Iberian Case
Source: History Compass , 4., 3 ( 2006):  Pages 481 - 487.
Year of Publication: 2006.

8. Record Number: 20732
Author(s): Hurlburt, Holly S.
Title : Women, Gender, and Rulership in Medieval Italy
Source: History Compass , 4., 3 ( 2006):  Pages 528 - 535.
Year of Publication: 2006.

9. Record Number: 11026
Author(s): Hay, David.
Title : Canon Laws Regarding Female Military Commanders up to the Time of Gratian: Some Texts and Their Historical Contexts [The author analyzes a canon law text by Bonizo de Sutri which criticizes women who lead military expeditions. Hay suggests that this in part refers to Matilda of Tuscany's strong military support of the pope. Other contemporary canonists took a more liberal view, accepting and even defending Matilda's role as commander. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: A Great Effusion of Blood? Interpreting Medieval Violence.   Edited by Mark D. Meyerson, Daniel Thiery, and Oren Falk .   University of Toronto Press, 2004. History Compass , 4., 3 ( 2006):  Pages 287 - 313.
Year of Publication: 2004.

10. Record Number: 10725
Author(s): Lehfeldt, Elizabeth A.
Title : The Gender Shared Sovereignty: Texts and the Royal Marriage of Isabella and Ferdinand [The author analyzes the first year of Isabella's and Ferdinand's joint reign through the texts of four chroniclers: Fernando del Pulgar, Alfonso de Palencia, Diego de Valera, and Juan de Flores. Lehfeldt finds that Valera consistently defends Isabella's right to rule, while Palencia is harshly critical much of the time. Flores and Pulgar seemingly tried to avoid committing themselves to either monarch. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Women, Texts, and Authority in the Early Modern Spanish World.   Edited by Marta V. Vicente and Luis R. Corteguera .   Ashgate, 2003. History Compass , 4., 3 ( 2006):  Pages 37 - 55.
Year of Publication: 2003.

11. Record Number: 10996
Author(s): de Vries, Joyce.
Title : Caterina Sforza's Portrait Medals: Power, Gender and Representation in the Italian Renaissance Court [Caterina Sforza ruled Forli and Imola after the murder of her husband. She commissioned a series of portrait medals that established her persona first as a noble young wife, then a widow-ruler, and finally as a triumphant regent. The medals use motifs associated with male political power to indicate her authority and success. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Woman's Art Journal , 24., 1 (Spring/Summer 2003):  Pages 23 - 28.
Year of Publication: 2003.

12. Record Number: 8710
Title : The Gender of Lordly Women: The Case of Adela of Blois [The author argues that scholars who view medieval women rulers as "honorary men" are wrong. Instead medieval understandings of gender and lordship situated ruling women like Adela within royal and noble families. While acknowledging that they sometimes needed to act like men, it did not negate their femininity since they fulfilled important roles as daughters, wives, and mothers. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Studies on Medieval and Early Modern Women: Pawns or Players?   Edited by Christine Meek and Catherine Lawless .   Four Courts Press, 2003. Woman's Art Journal , 24., 1 (Spring/Summer 2003):  Pages 90 - 110.
Year of Publication: 2003.

13. Record Number: 8838
Title : Alice of Antioch: A Case Study of Female Power in the Twelfth Century [The author analyzes Alice's efforts to gain power in Antioch following the death of her husband, Bohemond II. Her young daughter Constance was the next in line, but Alice set up an independent lordship in exile and again attempted to seize power in Antioch in 1135. Her efforts were not successful, but the author argues that scholars should give her life fair consideration rather than be influenced by William of Tyre's negative portrayal of her. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: The Experience of Crusading. Volume Two: Defining the Crusader Kingdom.   Edited by Peter Edbury and Jonathan Phillips .   Cambridge University Press, 2003. Woman's Art Journal , 24., 1 (Spring/Summer 2003):  Pages 29 - 47.
Year of Publication: 2003.

14. Record Number: 9331
Author(s): Reynolds, Rosalind Jaeger
Title : Reading Matilda: The Self-Fashioning of a Duchess [The author examines how Matilda, Countess of Tuscany, identified herself in documents in order to understand what kind of image she fashioned for herself as a female ruler. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Essays in Medieval Studies (Full Text via Project Muse) 19 (2002): 1-13. Link Info
Year of Publication: 2002.

15. Record Number: 7136
Author(s): Rizzo, Catia Renzi.
Title : Riflessioni sulla lettera di Berta di Toscana al califfo Muktafî: l'apporto congiunto dei dati archeologici e delle fonti scritte [To counter Byzantine and other interests in the western Mediterranean, Bertha of Tuscany tried opening diplomatic relations with the reigning caliph. The effort failed when his envoy died on the way to visit her. Bertha's efforts were supported by the mineral wealth of Tuscany. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Archivio Storico Italiano , 159., 587 ( 2001):  Pages 3 - 47.
Year of Publication: 2001.

16. Record Number: 11180
Author(s): Duncan, David J.
Title : Scholarly Views of Shajarat Al-Durr: A Need for Consensus [Shajarat Al-Durr rose from the Mamluk harem to dominance of Egypt at the time of Louis IX's crusade. She gained power through one husband and placed a second on the throne, exercising power through allies as well as ruling briefly in her own right. During this time she freed the captured Louis IX for a very large ransom and regained Damietta from the Crusaders. Her murder of her second husband led to her downfall and execution. Most accounts of her life, even the feminist ones, give only a partial account of her achievements. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Arab Studies Quarterly , 22., 1 (Winter 2000):  Pages 51 - 69.
Year of Publication: 2000.

17. Record Number: 4495
Author(s): Hill, Barbara
Title : Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Anna Komnene's Attempted Usurpation
Source: Anna Komnene and Her Times.   Edited by Thalia Gouma-Peterson .   Garland Publishing, 2000. Arab Studies Quarterly , 22., 1 (Winter 2000):  Pages 45 - 62.
Year of Publication: 2000.

18. Record Number: 4598
Author(s): Lehfeldt, Elizabeth A.
Title : Ruling Sexuality: The Political Legitimacy of Isabel of Castile
Source: Renaissance Quarterly (Full Text via JSTOR) 53, 1 (Spring 2000): 31-56. Link Info
Year of Publication: 2000.

19. Record Number: 10114
Author(s): Schoff, Rebecca.
Title : A Legacy of Power and Learning: Historiography and the Women of Wessex
Source: Old English Newsletter , 33., 3 (Spring 2000): Paper presented at the Thirty-Fifth International Congress on Medieval Studies, The Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, May 4-7, 2000, Session 83: "Anglo-Saxon History and Legend."
Year of Publication: 2000.

20. Record Number: 4748
Author(s): Herrin, Judith
Title : The Imperial Feminine in Byzantium [the author argues that Byzantine tradition provided for occasions when empresses had to assume power; this did not challenge the patriarchal order nor did it establish a fixed role for empresses; however, empresses had three sure resources (role as imperial hostess, mother of the emperor's heir, and power over the quarters, staff, and treasury of the empress) which allowed them to take an often active role in politics].
Source: Past and Present , 169., (November 2000):  Pages 3 - 35. Reproduced in Unrivalled Influence: Women and Empire in Byzantium. By Judith Herrin. Princeton University Press, 2013. Pages 161-193.
Year of Publication: 2000.

21. Record Number: 3780
Author(s): Cheyette, Fredric.
Title : Women, Poets, and Politics in Occitania
Source: Aristocratic Women in Medieval France.   Edited by Theodore Evergates .   University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999. Arab Studies Quarterly , 22., 1 (Winter 2000):  Pages 138 - 177.
Year of Publication: 1999.

22. Record Number: 7356
Author(s): Malamut, Élisabeth.
Title : Une Femme politique d'exception à la fin du XIe siècle: Anne Dalassène [The author argues that Anna Dalassena exercised real power for close to thirteen years when she ruled during her emperor-son's absences with his full support. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Femmes et pouvoirs des femmes à Byzance et en Occident (VIe -XIe siècles). Colloque international organisé les 28, 29 et 30 mars 1996 à Bruxelles et Villeneuve d'Ascq.   Edited by Stéphane Lebecq, Alain Dierkens, Régine Le Jan, and Jean-Marie Sansterre .   Centre de Recherche sur l'Histoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest, Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3, 1999. Arab Studies Quarterly , 22., 1 (Winter 2000):  Pages 103 - 120.
Year of Publication: 1999.

23. Record Number: 3776
Title : Adela of Blois: Familial Alliances and Female Lordship
Source: Aristocratic Women in Medieval France.   Edited by Theodore Evergates .   University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999. Arab Studies Quarterly , 22., 1 (Winter 2000):  Pages 7 - 43.
Year of Publication: 1999.

24. Record Number: 3779
Author(s): Nicholas, Karen S.
Title : Countesses as Rulers in Flanders [The author surveys the activities of twelve countesses in Flanders; their personalities and circumstances varied widely but many displayed skillful diplomacy, keen support for women's religion, and concern for the welfare of their subjects].
Source: Aristocratic Women in Medieval France.   Edited by Theodore Evergates .   University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999. Arab Studies Quarterly , 22., 1 (Winter 2000):  Pages 111 - 137.
Year of Publication: 1999.

25. Record Number: 7354
Author(s): Santinelli, Emmanuelle.
Title : La Veuve du prince au tournant de l'an mil: l'exemple de Berthe de Bourgogne [Berthe, the widow of the count of Blois, preserved her children's inheritance, the author argues, in a shrewd move by marrying the King of France. Though censured by the Church, Berthe was in all other ways an exemplary widow: preserving the "memoria" of her first husband, giving generously to monasteries, and ruling until her son came of age. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Femmes et pouvoirs des femmes à Byzance et en Occident (VIe -XIe siècles). Colloque international organisé les 28, 29 et 30 mars 1996 à Bruxelles et Villeneuve d'Ascq.   Edited by Stéphane Lebecq, Alain Dierkens, Régine Le Jan, and Jean-Marie Sansterre .   Centre de Recherche sur l'Histoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest, Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3, 1999. Arab Studies Quarterly , 22., 1 (Winter 2000):  Pages 75 - 89.
Year of Publication: 1999.

26. Record Number: 4618
Author(s): Nelson, Janet L.
Title : Queens as Jezebels: The Careers of Brunhild and Balthild in Merovingian History [The author emphasizes the two queens' successes at wielding power; she is particularly interested in how they used religion and the "power of the holy" to strengthen their power].
Source: Debating the Middle Ages: Issues and Readings.   Edited by Lester K. Little and Barbara H. Rosenwein .   Blackwell Publishers, 1998. Women and Music , 2., ( 1998):  Pages 219 - 253. Originally published in Medieval Women: Essays Dedicated and Presented to Professor Rosalind M. T. Hill. Studies in Church History, Subsidia, 1. B. Blackwell, 1978. Pages 31-77.
Year of Publication: 1998.

27. Record Number: 5529
Author(s): Cheyette, Fredric L. and Margaret Switten
Title : Women in Troubadour Song: Of the Countess and the Vilana [The authors analyze two songs, one by the Countess de Dia and the other by Marcabru, in which strong women's voices are heard demanding their rights and resisting exploitation; the authors also trace the varied political roles of Occitan noble women and the social setting in which these two songs might have been performed].
Source: Women and Music , 2., ( 1998):  Pages 26 - 45.
Year of Publication: 1998.

28. Record Number: 2137
Author(s): El-Cheikh, Nadia M.
Title : Describing the Other to Get at the Self: Byzantine Women in Arabic Sources (8th-11th Centuries)
Source: Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient , 40., 2 (May 1997):  Pages 239 - 250.
Year of Publication: 1997.

29. Record Number: 2281
Author(s): Long, Jacqueline.
Title : Memories of Zenobia
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 22., ( 1996):  Pages 60
Year of Publication: 1996.

30. Record Number: 1367
Author(s): Paladilhe, Dominique.
Title : La tragique destinée de la reine Jeanne [Jeanne tried to hold the kingdom of Naples and Provence, but through four marriages produced no heirs; her young cousin and heir apparent, Charles de Duras, imprisoned Jeanne and had her killed. Article does not include footnotes or bibliography of sources consulted].
Source: Historia , 580., (avril 1995):  Pages 48 - 53.
Year of Publication: 1995.

31. Record Number: 913
Author(s): Caille, Jacqueline.
Title : Ermengarde, Vicomtesse de Narbonne (1127/29-1196/97): Une grande figure feminine du Midi aristocratique [focuses on Ermengarde's youth and old age when, despite long years of skillful rulership, she was forced out of power by her nephew, Pierre de Lara].
Source: La Femme dans l' histoire et la société méridionales (IXe-XIXe S.): Actes du 66e congrés. .   Fédération historique du Languedoc méditerranéen et du Roussillon, 1995. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 22., ( 1996):  Pages 9 - 50.
Year of Publication: 1995.

32. Record Number: 1676
Author(s): Engels, Odilo.
Title : Theophano, the Western Empress from the East
Source: The Empress Theophano: Byzantium and the West at the Turn of the First Millennium.   Edited by Adelbert Davids .   Cambridge University Press, 1995. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 22., ( 1996):  Pages 28 - 48. This article appeared in German in Die Begegnung des Westens mit dem Osten: Kongressakten des 4. Symposions des Mediävistenverbandes in Köln 1991 aus Anlass des 1000. Todesjahres der Kaiserin Theophanu. Edited by O. Engels and P. Schreiner. Sigmaringen, 1
Year of Publication: 1995.

33. Record Number: 1675
Author(s): Leyser, Karl.
Title : Theophanu divina gratia imperatrix augusta: Western and Eastern Emperorship in the Later Tenth Century
Source: The Empress Theophano: Byzantium and the West at the Turn of the First Millennium.   Edited by Adelbert Davids .   Cambridge University Press, 1995. Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 22., ( 1996):  Pages 1 - 27. This article also appears in Leyser's Communication and Power in Medieval Europe: The Carolingian and Ottonian Centuries edited by Timothy Reuter, Hambledon Press, 1993.
Year of Publication: 1995.

34. Record Number: 1233
Author(s): Ettlinger, Helen S.
Title : Visibilis et Invisibilis: The Mistress in Italian Renaissance Court Society [a study of the highborn concubines of rulers primarily at the courts of Milan, Ferrara, and Rimini].
Source: Renaissance Quarterly (Full Text via JSTOR) 47, 4 (Winter 1994): 770-792. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1994.

35. Record Number: 2012
Author(s): Earenfight, Theresa.
Title : Maria of Castile, Ruler or Figurehead? A Preliminary Study in Aragónese Queenship [analysis of Maria's rule as Lieutenant General during her husband's absences, 1421-1423 amd 1435-1453].
Source: Mediterranean Studies , 4., ( 1994):  Pages 45 - 61.
Year of Publication: 1994.

36. Record Number: 1239
Author(s): Winstead, Karen A.
Title : Capgrave's Saint Katherine and the Perils of Gynecocracy
Source: Viator , 25., ( 1994):  Pages 361 - 376.
Year of Publication: 1994.

37. Record Number: 5023
Author(s): Sághy, Marianne
Title : Aspects of Female Rulership in Late Medieval Literature: The Queens' Reign in Angevin Hungary [The author examines contemporary accounts of Hungary's crisis following the death of Louis of Anjou; his daughter Mary succeeded to the throne but her mother Elizabeth made serious political errors and was executed by an aristocratic faction]
Source: East Central Europe , 20., 1 ( 1993- 1996):  Pages 69 - 86. Special issue: Women and Power in East Central Europe - Medieval and Modern. Edited by Marianne Sághy.
Year of Publication: 1993- 1996.

38. Record Number: 7810
Author(s): Perocco, Daria.
Title : Caterina Cornaro nella "Istoria Viniziana" di Pietro Bembo [The Venetian Republic commissioned histories, including one from Pietro Bembo, which were reviewed by the Council of Ten. Bembo's account of Caterina Cornaro sanitizes the Republic's efforts to force her to surrender the Kingdom of Cyprus to Venice. The historical Caterina Cornaro subsequently became a figure of myth and a character in drama. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Studi Veneziani , 25., ( 1993):  Pages 153 - 167.
Year of Publication: 1993.

39. Record Number: 10192
Author(s): Innes- Parker, Catherine.
Title : Coinage Associated with Æthelflaed of Mercia
Source: Old English Newsletter , 25., 3 (Spring 1992): Appendix A: Abstracts of Papers in Anglo-Saxon Studies. Conference paper presented at the Twenty-Seventh Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, May 7-10, 1992, Session 206: "Coinage in the Early Middle Ages: Ireland and the British Isl
Year of Publication: 1992.

40. Record Number: 13057
Title : Lourdes Ortiz's "Urraca": A Re-vision/Revision of History [Ortiz's historical novel brings a complex Queen Urraca to life. During her forced retirement in a monastery, she challenges the chronicle accounts and asserts her legitimacy as a ruler. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Romance Quarterly , 38., 4 (November 1991):  Pages 437 - 448.
Year of Publication: 1991.

41. Record Number: 6388
Author(s): Troubat, Olivier.
Title : Maria di Borbone imperatrice di Costantinopoli [Louis I of Bourbon advanced his ambitions in the eastern Mediterranean by marrying his daughter Marie to Guy de Lusignan of Cyprus; after she was widowed, her brother Pierre married her to Robert, prince of Taranto; after being widowed a second time she ruled Morea-Achaia; she then retired to Naples where she was active in politics until her death in 1387; her nephew Louis II of Bourbon became her heir, maintaining a political role in the eastern Mediterranean until his death in 1410].
Source: Archivio Storico Italiano , 148., 546 ( 1990):  Pages 739 - 765.
Year of Publication: 1990.

42. Record Number: 30961
Title : Dedication page with Matilda of Canossa from the Vita Mathildis
Source: Archivio Storico Italiano , 148., 546 ( 1990):
Year of Publication:

43. Record Number: 31115
Title : Camera picta (Camera degli sposi): Ludovico Gonzaga, his Family and Court
Source: Archivio Storico Italiano , 148., 546 ( 1990):
Year of Publication:

44. Record Number: 36351
Title : Queen Urraca
Source: Archivio Storico Italiano , 148., 546 ( 1990):
Year of Publication:

45. Record Number: 40331
Title : Matilda of Canossa greeting Pope Paschal II
Source: Archivio Storico Italiano , 148., 546 ( 1990):
Year of Publication:

46. Record Number: 40713
Title : Double portrait of Federico da Montefeltro and his son Guidobaldo
Source: Archivio Storico Italiano , 148., 546 ( 1990):
Year of Publication:

47. Record Number: 45126
Title : Frontispiece for the Rule of Saint Augustine and Constitutions of the Hospital of Notre Dame at Seclin
Source: Archivio Storico Italiano , 148., 546 ( 1990):
Year of Publication: