Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

15 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 8052
Author(s): Jeffrey, Jane E.
Title : Radegund and the Letter of Foundation [The author provides a brief overview of Radegund's life as queen and founder-abbess of the Convent of the Holy Cross. There follows the Latin text and English translation of her "Letter of Foundation," written near the end of her life to set the direction of the monastery. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Women Writing Latin from Roman Antiquity to Early Modern Europe. Volume 2: Medieval Women Writing Latin.   Edited by Laurie J. Churchill, Phyllis R. Brown, and Jane E. Jeffrey .   Routledge, 2002.  Pages 11 - 23.
Year of Publication: 2002.

2. Record Number: 5371
Author(s): Nie, Giselle de.
Title : Fatherly and Motherly Curing in Sixth-Century Gaul: Saint Radegund's "Mysterium"
Source: Women and Miracle Stories: A Multidisciplinary Exploration.   Edited by Anne-Marie Korte Studies in the History of Religions, 88.   Brill, 2001.  Pages 53 - 86. Word, Image and Experience: Dynamics of Miracle and Self-Perception in Sixth-Century Gaul. Giselle de Nie. Variorum Collected Studies Series, 771. Ashgate/ Variorum, 2003. Article 13.
Year of Publication: 2001.

3. Record Number: 5468
Author(s): Mayeski, Marie Anne and Jane Crawford
Title : Reclaiming an Ancient Story: Baudonivia's "Life of St. Radegunde" (circa 525- 587) [The author argues that while Radegunde founded a monastery in Poitiers where women were safe and where learning was encouraged, she did not give up her obligations as queen for a public and active role in the wellbeing of her people; an English translation of Baudonivia's "Life of Radegunde" by Jane Crawford follows on pages 89- 106].
Source: Women Saints in World Religions.   Edited by Arvind Sharma .   State University of New York Press, 2000.  Pages 71 - 88.
Year of Publication: 2000.

4. Record Number: 4778
Author(s): Kleinmann, Dorothée, Michel Garcia, Cloulas Ivan and Nurith. Kenaan-Kedar
Title : Les peintures murales de Sainte-Radegonde de Chinon: À propos d'un article récent [Kleinmann and Garcia together comment on Kenaan-Kedar's earlier article, as does Cloulas, while Kenaan-Kedar reacts to the comments of the three].
Source: Cahiers de Civilization Médiévale , 42., ( 1999):  Pages 397 - 399.
Year of Publication: 1999.

5. Record Number: 3138
Author(s): Coates, Simon.
Title : Regendering Radegund? Fortunatus, Baudonivia, and the Problem of Female Sanctity in Merovingian Gaul [The author argues against drawing strict lines based on gender stereotypes; Fortunatus and Baudonivia emphasized a religious ideal based upon the rejection of sexuality].
Source: Gender and Christian religion: papers read at the 1996 Summer Meeting and the 1997 Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society.   Edited by R. N. Swanson Studies in Church History, 34.  1998. Cahiers de Civilization Médiévale , 42., ( 1999):  Pages 37 - 50.
Year of Publication: 1998.

6. Record Number: 3319
Author(s): Kenaan-Kedar, Nurith.
Title : Aliénor: d'Aquitaine conduite en captivité. Les peintures murales, commémoratives de Sainte- Radegonde de Chinon
Source: Cahiers de Civilization Médiévale , 41., 164 (octobre-décembre 1998):  Pages 317 - 330.
Year of Publication: 1998.

7. Record Number: 4830
Author(s): Rosser, Susan.
Title : Aethelthryth: A Conventional Saint? [the author argues that French hagiography had a strong influence on Anglo-Saxon expectations of holy women; she points out that there were a number of reasons that contributed to Aethlthryth's sainthood including her royal status, gifts to the Church, virginity, asceticism, support of her cult by her powerful family, ease with which her life fit earlier models, and the importance of native-born saints for the English Church].
Source: Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester , 79., 3 (Autumn 1997):  Pages 15 - 24.
Year of Publication: 1997.

8. Record Number: 1386
Author(s): Brennan, Brian.
Title : Deathless Marriage and Spiritual Fecundity in Venantius Fortunatus's "De Virginitate" [written for Radegunde probably on the occasion of her "spiritual daughter's" installation as abbess; the text combines an "epithalamium" with a "consolatio" for women who neither married nor had children].
Source: Traditio , 51., ( 1996):  Pages 73 - 97.
Year of Publication: 1996.

9. Record Number: 430
Author(s): Nie, Giselle de.
Title : Consciousness Fecund Through God : From Male Fighter to Spiritual Bride- Mother in Late Antique Female Sanctity [though most of the article deals with women before 450 C.E., the last section (pp. 139-149) concerns Queen Radegunde as a spiritual mother].
Source: Sanctity and Motherhood: Essays on Holy Mothers in the Middle Ages.   Edited by Anneke B. Mulder-Bakker Garland Medieval Casebooks, 14.   Garland Publishing, 1995. Traditio , 51., ( 1996):  Pages 100 - 161.
Year of Publication: 1995.

10. Record Number: 5097
Author(s): Favreau, Robert.
Title : Le Culte de Sainte Radegonde à Poitiers au Moyen Áge
Source: Les Religieuses dans le Cloître et dans le Monde des Origines à Nos Jours. Actes du Deuxième Colloque International de C.E.R.C.O.R. Poitiers, 29 septembre-2 octobre 1988. .   Publications de l'Université de Sainte-Etienne, 1994. Traditio , 51., ( 1996):  Pages 91 - 109.
Year of Publication: 1994.

11. Record Number: 5093
Author(s): Verdon, Jean.
Title : Le Monachisme féminin à l' époque mérovingienne: Le Témoignage de Grégoire de Tours
Source: Les Religieuses dans le Cloître et dans le Monde des Origines à Nos Jours. Actes du Deuxième Colloque International de C.E.R.C.O.R. Poitiers, 29 septembre-2 octobre 1988. .   Publications de l'Université de Sainte-Etienne, 1994. Traditio , 51., ( 1996):  Pages 29 - 44.
Year of Publication: 1994.

12. Record Number: 11207
Author(s): Gillette, Gertrude, O. S. B.
Title : Radegund’s Monastery of Poitiers: the Rule and its Observance [When she founded her monastery, Radegund established a Rule which stated that a nun must not leave the monastery up to the time of her death. While the Rule was intended to limit the nuns’ contact with the outside world, the nuns actually had frequent interactions with outsiders. Daily life did not necessarily correspond to the Rule, and nuns could adapt their interpretation of the Rule to suit special circumstances or to serve their own personal motivations. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Studia Patristica , 25., ( 1993):  Pages 381 - 387. Papers presented at the Eleventh International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 1991. Biblica et Apocrypha, Orientalia, Ascetica
Year of Publication: 1993.

13. Record Number: 12756
Author(s): Carrasco, Magdalena Elizabeth
Title : Spirituality in Context: The Romanesque Illustrated Life of Saint Radegund of Poitiers (Poitiers, Bibliotheque Municipale, MS 250)
Source: Art Bulletin , 72., 3 ( 1990):  Pages 414 - 435.
Year of Publication: 1990.

14. Record Number: 15607
Author(s): Schulenburg, Jane Tibbetts.
Title : Saints' Lives as a Source for the History of Women, 500-1100 The author argues that saints' lives are still a relatively underutilized source for the early Middle Ages generally and for women's history in particular. The lives convey social values, collective mentalities, and much indirect information on women's experience. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Women and the Sources of Medieval History.   Edited by Joel T. Rosenthal .   University of Georgia Press, 1990. Studia Patristica , 25., ( 1993):  Pages 285 - 320.
Year of Publication: 1990.

15. Record Number: 28846
Title : Scenes from the Life of St. Radegund
Source: Art Bulletin , 72., 3 ( 1990):
Year of Publication: