Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

10 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 7911
Author(s): Cannon, Christopher.
Title : Chaucer and Rape: Uncertainty's Certainties
Source: Representing Rape in Medieval and Early Modern Literature.   Edited by Elizabeth Robertson and Christine M. Rose .   The New Middle Ages Series. Palgrave, 2001.  Pages 255 - 279.
Year of Publication: 2001.

2. Record Number: 4468
Author(s): Saunders, Corinne.
Title : A Matter of Consent: Middle English Romance and the Law of "Raptus"
Source: Medieval Women and the Law.   Edited by Noël James Menuge .   Boydell Press, 2000.  Pages 105 - 124.
Year of Publication: 2000.

3. Record Number: 4332
Author(s): Elsakkers, Marianne.
Title : Raptus ultra Rhenum: Early Ninth-Century Saxon Laws on Abduction and Rape [The author consults four law codes: "Leges Saxonum," "Lex Chamavorum," "Lex Frisionum," and "Lex Thuringorum."
Source: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik , 52., ( 1999):  Pages 27 - 53.
Year of Publication: 1999.

4. Record Number: 5345
Author(s): Virtue, Nancy E.
Title : Another Look at Medieval Rape Legislation [The author argues that Gratian made important distinctions that heralded the emergence of the legal concept of female consent in sexual relations].
Source: Mediaevalia , 22., 1 ( 1998):  Pages 79 - 94. Published by the Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton
Year of Publication: 1998.

5. Record Number: 4744
Author(s): Kelly, Henry Ansgar.
Title : Meanings and Uses of "Raptus" in Chaucer's Time [the Appendix presents twelve Latin legal texts with English translations from the Public Record Office that the author discusses in his article].
Source: Studies in the Age of Chaucer , 20., ( 1998):  Pages 101 - 165. Later published in Inquisitions and Other Trial Procedures in the Medieval West. Ashgate Variorum, 2001
Year of Publication: 1998.

6. Record Number: 6682
Author(s): Saunders, Corinne J.
Title : Woman Displaced: Rape and Romance in Chaucer's "Wife of Bath's Tale" ["Thus, the 'Wife of Bath's Tale' achieves two ends simultaneously. It explores minutely the problem of rape as a crime and the legal confusion over its status, referring to changing views of rape and the legal displacement of women, to the desire of women for action against rape, and to the possibility of the education of men regarding the need for equality in relationships yet at the same time, the tale affirms patriarchal values, inserting the woman within these structures and sustaining a traditional insistence on the action of rape as an element of romance: we hear no more of the victim, the knight is punished, but finally rewarded through otherworldly adventure, and the ideal of the young, beautiful and obedient wife is upheld." (page 131)].
Source: Arthurian Literature , 13., ( 1995):  Pages 115 - 131.
Year of Publication: 1995.

7. Record Number: 470
Author(s): Reed, Thomas L., Jr.
Title : Glossing the Hazel: Authority, Intention, and Interpretation in Marie de France's Tristan, "Chievrefoil"
Source: Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies , 7., 1 (Spring 1995):  Pages 99 - 143.
Year of Publication: 1995.

8. Record Number: 10212
Author(s): Karlin-Hayter, Patricia.
Title : Further Notes on Byzantine Marriage: "Raptus" - harpage or mnesteiai [The author discusses two topics related to marriage, "raptus" and engagements. "Raptus" in the Byzantine canons refers to the act of abducting a woman in order to marry her. The Church canons in regard to engagement changed, so that emperors felt they had to make the rules less strict for young women and men who were often promised in marriage at the age of seven. The Appendix presents four English translations of sources from two churchmen, Xiphilinos and John the Thrakesian, along with legislation from Emperor Alexios I Komnenos. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Full Text via JSTOR) 46 (1992): 133-154. Homo Byzantinus: Papers in Honor of Alexander Kazhdan. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1992.

9. Record Number: 9479
Author(s): Gravdal, Kathryn.
Title : Chrétien de Troyes, Gratian, and the Medieval Romance of Sexual Violence [The author urges a re-reading of Chretien de Troyes, suggesting that his identification of rape with romance influences our own cultural assumptions today. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society (Full Text via JSTOR) 17, 3 (Spring 1992): 558-585. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1992.

10. Record Number: 10744
Author(s): Greilsammer, Myriam.
Title : Le Mariage en pays flamand: un "fait social total" [The author identifies three cruical themes for marriag in the Low Countries in the late Middle Ages: 1)The superiority of the male, 2)The centrality of the female, and 3) The fear that men had for the dangers that women posed. Greilsammer examines these themes in the areas of popular culture and Church doctrine. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Marriage and Social Mobility in the Late Middle Ages/Marriage et mobilité sociale au bas moyen-âge. Handelingen van het colloquieum gehouden te Gent op 18 april 1988.   Edited by W. Prevenier Studia Historica Gandensia .   Department of History of the Arts Faculty of the University of Gent, 1992.  Pages 60 - 98. Second printing, revised and corrected by the editor
Year of Publication: 1992.