Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

2 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 22417
Author(s): Izbicki, Thomas M.
Title : Failed Censures: Ecclesiastical Regulation of Women’s Clothing in Late Medieval Italy [Ecclesiastical efforts to regulate vanity of dress were few in late medieval Italy. Most significant was a constitution written by Cardinal Latino Malabranca intended to limit display of flesh and waste of cloth. By the fourteenth century compromises were being made in the enforcement of this decree, and new issues involving the wearing of jewelry and other ornaments were being addressed. By the fifteenth century, sumptuary legislation was largely left to the Italian communes, although some of the clergy still advocated strict measures against vain dress and ornamentation. The appendices include: Appendix 3.1 Cardinal Latino Malabranca's Constitution on Women's dress (1279); Appendix 3.2 Cardinal Bertrand du Poujet's Modification of Cardinal Latino's Constitution (ca. 1327) ; Appendix 3.3 The Constitution of Antonio d'Orso Biliotti, Bishop of Florence (ca. 1310). Title note submitted by the author.]
Source:   Edited by Robin Netherton; Gale R. Owen-Crocker Medieval Clothing and Textiles , 5., ( 2009):  Pages 37 - 53.
Year of Publication: 2009.

2. Record Number: 310
Author(s): Lee, Brian S.
Title : Exploitation and Excommunication in the "Wife of Bath's Tale" [rape and its punishment].
Source: Philological Quarterly , 74., 1 (Winter 1995):  Pages 17 - 35.
Year of Publication: 1995.