Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

17 Record(s) Found in our database

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1. Record Number: 11420
Author(s): Hall, Dianne.
Title : Necessary Collaborations: Religious Women and Lay Communities in Medieval Ireland, c. 1200-1540 [The author argues that the boundaries between Irish women's monastic houses and lay communities were permeable. Nuns sought good relations with neighbors and family members to ensure material and political support. Monastic women needed to ignore the rules of enclosure in order to adminster the monasteries' lands and keep in touch with their families. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Irish Women's History.   Edited by Alan Hayes and Diane Urquhart .   Irish Academic Press, 2004.  Pages 15 - 28.
Year of Publication: 2004.

2. Record Number: 10843
Author(s): Jarrett, Jonathan.
Title : Power Over Past and Future: Abbess Emma and the Nunnery of Sant Joan de les Abadesses
Source: Early Medieval Europe , 12., 3 ( 2003):  Pages 229 - 258.
Year of Publication: 2003.

3. Record Number: 11827
Author(s): Manzalaoui, Mahmoud A.
Title : English Medieval Nunneries: Buildings, Precincts, and Estates [The author surveys both archaeological and textual monastic buildings and estates. Bond concludes that women's houses, unlike men's monasteries, were not distinctive according to religious order. They tend to be poorer and were usually not able to increase their holdings after the twelfth century. Bond describes all the different kinds of buildings involved including churches, gatehouses, cloisters, refectories, bake houses, and barns. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Women and Religion in Medieval England.   Edited by Diana Wood .   Oxbow Books, 2003. Early Medieval Europe , 12., 3 ( 2003):  Pages 46 - 90.
Year of Publication: 2003.

4. Record Number: 6750
Author(s): Harris, Barbara J.
Title : Space, Time, and the Power of Aristocratic Wives in Yorkist and Early Tudor England, 1450-1550 [The author argues that the stages of life that noble wives generally moved through were complex, both in terms of their increasing responsibilities and the spaces in which they lived and to which they traveled].
Source: Time, Space, and Women's Lives in Early Modern Europe.   Edited by Anne Jackson Schutte, Thomas Kuehn, and Silvana Seidel Menchi Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies, 57.   Truman State University Press, 2001. Early Medieval Europe , 12., 3 ( 2003):  Pages 245 - 264.
Year of Publication: 2001.

5. Record Number: 6184
Author(s): Crawford, Anne.
Title : The Queen's Council in the Middle Ages [the author traces the evidence available for the queen's council, looking at its judicial, administrative, and advisory functions; queens whose councils are discussed in some detail include Eleanor of Provence, Eleanor of Castile, Philippa of Hainault, Margaret of Anjou, and Elizabeth Woodville].
Source: English Historical Review , 116., 469 (November 2001):  Pages 1193 - 1211.
Year of Publication: 2001.

6. Record Number: 4837
Author(s): Skinner, Mary S.
Title : French Abbesses in Action: Structuring Carolingian and Cluniac Communities [The author analyzes charters from six women's and five men's monasteries from Anjou, Touraine, and Poitou; the women's houses are Sainte Croix and Trinity, Poitiers; St. Loup/Beaumont, Tours; Ronceray, Angers; S. Georges, Rennes; and Notre Dame, Saintes]
Source: Magistra , 6., 1 (Summer 2000):  Pages 37 - 60.
Year of Publication: 2000.

7. Record Number: 4635
Author(s): Berman, Constance H.
Title : The "Labours of Hercules," the Cartulary, Church, and Abbey for Nuns of la Cour- Notre- Dame- de- Michery
Source: Journal of Medieval History , 26., 1 (March 2000):  Pages 33 - 70.
Year of Publication: 2000.

8. Record Number: 4825
Author(s): Swabey, ffiona.
Title : The Letter Book of Alice de Bryene and Alice de Sutton's List of Debts [the author analyzes eight letters written to Alice de Bryene, commenting on the familial and administrative duties Alice undertook; her grandmother, Alice de Sutton, serves as an example of irresponsible management because she hadn't paid her husband's legacies thirty years after his death; the appendices reproduce the texts of the eight letters in French and the list of debts in Latin].
Source: Nottingham Medieval Studies , 42., ( 1998):  Pages 121 - 145.
Year of Publication: 1998.

9. Record Number: 3629
Author(s): Borrero Fernández, Mercedes.
Title : Peasant and Aristocratic Women: Their role in the Rural Economy of Seville at the End of the Middle Ages
Source: Women at Work in Spain: From the Middle Ages to Early Modern Times.   Edited by Marilyn Stone and Carmen Benito-Vessels .   Peter Lang, 1998. Nottingham Medieval Studies , 42., ( 1998):  Pages 11 - 31.
Year of Publication: 1998.

10. Record Number: 2207
Author(s): Thomas, Hugh M.
Title : An Upwardly Mobile Medieval Woman: Juliana of Warwick [Juliana managed Countess Matilda's household (as "cameraria") and received gifts of land from her employer/patroness; Matilda also probably arranged Juliana's advantageous marriage with the wealthy knight, Nigel of Plumpton].
Source: Medieval Prosopography , 18., ( 1997):  Pages 109 - 121.
Year of Publication: 1997.

11. Record Number: 5102
Author(s): L'Hermite-Leclercq, Paulette.
Title : Les Pouvoirs de la supérieure au Moyen Âge
Source: Les Religieuses dans le Cloître et dans le Monde des Origines à Nos Jours. Actes du Deuxième Colloque International de C.E.R.C.O.R. Poitiers, 29 septembre-2 octobre 1988. .   Publications de l'Université de Sainte-Etienne, 1994. Medieval Prosopography , 18., ( 1997):  Pages 165 - 185.
Year of Publication: 1994.

12. Record Number: 9533
Author(s): Laiou, Angeliki E.
Title : Observations on the Life and Ideology of Byzantine Women [The author briefly examines texts written by Byzantine women including wills. She looks at greater length at women who endowed monasteries and at the lives women led within convents. The article was originally published in Byzantinische Forschungen 9 (1985): 59-102. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Gender, Society, and Economic Life in Byzantium. Angeliki E. Laiou Variorum Collected Studies Series .   Ashgate, 1992. Medieval Prosopography , 18., ( 1997):  Pages 59 - 102. Earlier published in Studies in Church History 27 (1990): 53-78.
Year of Publication: 1992.

13. Record Number: 8688
Author(s): Archer, Rowena E.
Title : How Ladies ... Who Live on Their Manors Ought to Manage Their Households and Estates: Women as Landholders and Administrators in the Later Middle Ages [The author studies the range of administrative roles held by women landholders and estate managers in medieval England. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Woman is a Worthy Wight: Women in English Society c. 1200-1500.   Edited by P.J.P. Goldberg .   Alan Sutton Publishing, 1992. Medieval Prosopography , 18., ( 1997):  Pages 149 - 181.
Year of Publication: 1992.

14. Record Number: 11054
Author(s): Kelso, Carl, Jr.
Title : Women in Power: Fontevrault and the Paraclete Compared [The author argues that the Paraclet under Heloise shared many similarities with Fontevrault. Most importantly both institutions and their daughter houses were independent, not being affiliated with any monastic order and using their own rules. Both called for strong abbesses who held authority even over male functionaries. With their emphasis on female responsibility, both houses made provisions for noncloistered nuns to do business with the world. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Comitatus , 22., ( 1991):  Pages 55 - 69.
Year of Publication: 1991.

15. Record Number: 15600
Author(s): Gold, Penny S.
Title : The Charters of Le Ronceray D'Angers; Male/Female Interaction in Monastic Business [The author briefly documents and analyzes women's and men's interactions and roles in administering the female Benedictine monastery of Ronceray d'Angers in western France. Gold compares working relationships with Fontevrault to demonstrate that the Ronceray abbesses had less clean-cut control over the priests and coanons attached to thier houses. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Women and the Sources of Medieval History.   Edited by Joel T. Rosenthal .   University of Georgia Press, 1990. Comitatus , 22., ( 1991):  Pages 122 - 132.
Year of Publication: 1990.

16. Record Number: 12759
Author(s): Waugh, Scott L.
Title : Women's Inheritance and the Growth of Bureaucratic Monarchy in Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century England [The author documents changes in English inheritance laws as they pertain to female heirs and coheirs, showing that, by 1250, the process of partitioning inheritances had changed in such a way that administrative roles were assumed increasingly by royal officials and justices rather than lords. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Nottingham Medieval Studies , 34., ( 1990):  Pages 71 - 92.
Year of Publication: 1990.

17. Record Number: 12779
Author(s): Crawford, Barbara E.
Title : North Sea Kingdoms, North Sea Bureaucrat: A Royal Official Who Transcended National Boundaries [The author argues for an identification of Weland of Stiklaw (a Scottish royal officer) with the Weland recorded to have accompanied Margaret, Maid of Norway, on her voyage to Scotland. The article includes an Appendix, an inventory of Isabella Bruce’s Goods. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Scottish Historical Review , 69., 2 (October 1990):  Pages 175 - 184.
Year of Publication: 1990.